
Snow overnight!

I’m going to show off some of our watery friends here.

We have both a large freshwater tank & a very large reef tank.

The freshwater tank has 6 fish, Silvio & Goldie, the angels. I swear, Silvio would be a mob boss, if he were human!! There also 2 danios, one is straight, the other suddenly curved! And we have a pleco named Waldo, because when he was little, he was very hard to find! Now Waldo is about 5” , around 6.5” with full tail! And theres Tiger. He’s also a big fish of black & orange with beaver like teeth & a silly white mustache. He’s

The reef tank

The reeftank is beautiful compared to the freshwater tank. Freshwater has a rock or colored gravel bottom & live plants the fish sort of keep in check.

The reeftank has a sandy bottom so the snails, starfish & other invertebrates can disappear quickly! Hippie, the Hippotang, (the Dory fish from Finding Nemo) and Moe, a purple tang are always first to see me, showing their tall fins straight up! I like seeing how they parade in front of me several times. The tangs are also a variety of surgeon fish. They have a very sharp piece of bone at the base of thrir tail. If they wanted, they can slice another fish for eating. Hippie’s teeth look like human teeth without lips!

Then Thing 1 (a-La Dr Seuss) comes over. He’s the yappy chihuahua of the tank. Into everyone’s business! Thing 1 is also blue with a yellow tail. The next are the clown fish. We have a pair of black and white ones, Mama is the big 3” one. She will bite if you need to work near their anemones! Mama also killed of the female of our orange & white pair. Yes, they fight to the death. So we now have Nemo, bouncing &! Snuggling in his rose bubbletip anemone. He’s cute but will nip if your hands get close to his bouncy home. 🙄

Another fish is our dwarf Hawaiian angel fish! Its the only fish with the guts, or insanity, to nip at the tips of our black & white long spine anemone!! The anemone loses spines as it grows. Morticia has about 3” spines, the center ones being both black & white. Our other urchin has grown too. He’s a Royal urchin, so he goes by Royal. He covers his outside with shells, pieces of coral & other small to medium size pieces of debris.

Then, there’s Flash, a 6 line wrasse. If Flash gets scared or goes to bed, he dives into the sand! ELO hangs out with Flash a lot. ELO has electric blue & black stripes & is sort of eel like!

The silliest fish is our diamond goby. Gobies tend to remove all the sand from under the rocks…its own apartments! He’ll close the door by pulling sand across the entrance with his tail. The other funny thing Dimey does, is he chews sand, finds the good stuff & sifts out the sand just behind his gills! It’s really quite silly to see. Oh, one more resident, Silver, our sea star/star fish. He can really zoom on top of the sand. He eats up leftover food the fish have left or that Dimey hasn’t found!!

Hippie with the rose bubble tip anemone looking like a crown!Moe it flared at angle coming behind Hippie. Nemo is in the background. A very flexible pink leather coral. VVVVVbelow
